April 28, 2022





America and Americans

In America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors.Bertrand Russell: UnpopularEssays

Arguments and Controversy

The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.Bertrand Russell: Unpopular Essays

Boredom and Bores

Boredom is a vital problem for the moralist, since at least half the sins of mankind are caused by the fear of it.Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness


One should respect public opinion in so far as is necessary to avoid starvation and to keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny.Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness

Enthusiasm and Zeal

What hunger is in relation to food, zest is in relation to life.Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness


Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.Bertrand Russell: Unpopular Essays

Gossip and Rumor

No one gossips about other people's secret virtues.Bertrand Russell: On Education

Heaven, Hell, and the Hereafter

The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists. That is why they invented Hell.Bertrand Russell: Sceptical Essays


We have, in fact, two kinds of morality side by side: one which we preach but do not practice, and another which we practice but seldom preach.Bertrand Russell: Sceptical Essays


To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level.Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness