August 19, 2022




We have already mentioned how Assyria became a great military power under Tiglath Pileser III and under the usurper Sargon II. Sargon was not this man’s original name; he adopted it to flatter the conquered Babylonians by reminding them of that ancient founder of the Akkadian Empire, Sargon I, two thousand years before his time. Babylon, for all that it was a conquered city, was of greater population and importance than Nineveh, and its great god Bel Marduk and its traders and priests had to be treated politely. In Mesopotamia in the eighth century B.C. A.D. we are already far beyond the barbaric days when the capture of a town meant loot and massacre. Conquerors sought to propitiate and win the conquered. For a century and a half after Sargon the new Assyrian empire endured and, as we have noted, Assurbanipal (Sardanapalus) held at least lower Egypt.

But the power and solidarity of Assyria waned rapidly. Egypt by an

effort threw off the foreigner under a Pharoah Psammetichus I, and

under Necho II attempted a war of conquest in Syria. By that time

Assyria was grappling with foes nearer at hand, and could make but a

poor resistance. A Semitic people from south-east Mesopotamia, the

Chaldeans, combined with Aryan Medes and Persians from the north-east

against Nineveh, and in 606 B.C.—for now we are coming down to exact

chronology—took that city.

There was a division of the spoils of Assyria. A Median Empire was set

up in the north under Cyaxares. It included Nineveh, and its capital

was Ecbatana. Eastward it reached to the borders of India. To the

south of this in a great crescent was a new Chaldean Empire, the Second

Babylonian Empire, which rose to a very great degree of wealth and

power under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar the Great (the Nebuchadnezzar of

the Bible). The last great days, the greatest days of all, for Babylon

began. For a time the two Empires remained at peace, and the daughter

of Nebuchadnezzar was married to Cyaxares.

Meanwhile Necho II was pursuing his easy conquests in Syria. He had

defeated and slain King Josiah of Judah, a small country of which there

is more to tell presently, at the battle of Megiddo in 608 B.C., and he

pushed on to the Euphrates to encounter not a decadent Assyria but a

renascent Babylonia. The Chaldeans dealt very vigorously with the

Egyptians. Necho was routed and driven back to Egypt, and the

Babylonian frontier pushed down to the ancient Egyptian boundaries.

Map showing the relation of the Median and Second Babylonian (Chaldæan)

Empires in the reign of Nebuchadnezzar the Great

From 606 until 589 B.C. the Second Babylonian Empire flourished

insecurely. It flourished so long as it kept the peace with the

stronger, hardier Median Empire to the north. And during these

sixty-seven years not only life but learning flourished in the ancient


Map: The Empire of Darius (tribute-paying countries) at its greatest


Even under the Assyrian monarchs and especially under Sardanapalus,

Babylon had been a scene of great intellectual activity. Sardanapalus,

though an Assyrian, had been quite Babylon-ized. He made a library, a

library not of paper but of the clay tablets that were used for writing

in Mesopotamia since early Sumerian days. His collection has been

unearthed and is perhaps the most precious store of historical material

in the world. The last of the Chaldean line of Babylonian monarchs,

Nabonidus, had even keener literary tastes. He patronized antiquarian

researches, and when a date was worked out by his investigators for the

accession of Sargon I he commemorated the fact by inscriptions. But

there were many signs of disunion in his empire, and he sought to

centralize it by bringing a number of the various local gods to Babylon

and setting up temples to them there. This device was to be practised

quite successfully by the Romans in later times, but in Babylon it

roused the jealousy of the powerful priesthood of Bel Marduk, the

dominant god of the Babylonians. They cast about for a possible

alternative to Nabonidus and found it in Cyrus the Persian, the ruler

of the adjacent Median Empire. Cyrus had already distinguished himself

by conquering Croesus, the rich king of Lydia in Eastern Asia Minor.

He came up against Babylon, there was a battle outside the walls, and

the gates of the city were opened to him (538 B.C.). His soldiers

entered the city without fighting. The crown prince Belshazzar, the

son of Nabonidus, was feasting, the Bible relates, when a hand appeared

and wrote in letters of fire upon the wall these mystical words:

_“Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin,”_ which was interpreted by the prophet

Daniel, whom he summoned to read the riddle, as “God has numbered thy

kingdom and finished it; thou art weighed in the balance and found

wanting and thy kingdom is given to the Medes and Persians.” Possibly

the priests of Bel Marduk knew something about that writing on the

wall. Belshazzar was killed that night, says the Bible. Nabonidus was

taken prisoner, and the occupation of the city was so peaceful that the

services of Bel Marduk continued without intermission.


Thus it was the Babylonian and Median empires were united. Cambyses,

the son of Cyrus, subjugated Egypt. Cambyses went mad and was

accidentally killed, and was presently succeeded by Darius the Mede,

Darius I, the son of Hystaspes, one of the chief councillors of Cyrus.



The Persian Empire of Darius I, the first of the new Aryan empires in

the seat of the old civilizations, was the greatest empire the world

had hitherto seen. It included all Asia Minor and Syria, all the old

Assyrian and Babylonian empires, Egypt, the Caucasus and Caspian

regions, Media, Persia, and it extended into India as far as the Indus.

Such an empire was possible because the horse and rider and the

chariot and the made-road had now been brought into the world.

Hitherto the ass and ox and the camel for desert use had afforded the

swiftest method of transport. Great arterial roads were made by the

Persian rulers to hold their new empire, and post horses were always in

waiting for the imperial messenger or the traveller with an official

permit. Moreover the world was now beginning to use coined money,

which greatly facilitated trade and intercourse. But the capital of

this vast empire was no longer Babylon. In the long run the priesthood

of Bel Marduk gained nothing by their treason. Babylon though still

important was now a declining city, and the great cities of the new

empire were Persepolis and Susa and Ecbatana. The capital was Susa.

Nineveh was already abandoned and sinking into ruins.