August 20, 2022




From 431 to 404 B.C. the Peloponnesian War wasted Greece. Meanwhile to the north of Greece, the kindred country of Macedonia was rising slowly to power and civilization. The Macedonians spoke a language closely akin to Greek, and on several occasions Macedonian competitors had taken part in the Olympic games. In 359 B.C. a man of very great abilities and ambition became king of this little country - Philip. Philip had previously been a hostage in Greece; he had had a thoroughly Greek education and he was probably aware of the ideas of Herodotus - which had also been developed by the philosopher Isocrates of a possible conquest of Asia by a consolidated Greece.

He set himself first to extend and organize his own realm and to

remodel his army. For a thousand years now the charging horse-chariot

had been the decisive factor in battles, that and the close-fighting

infantry. Mounted horsemen had also fought, but as a cloud of

skirmishers, individually and without discipline. Philip made his

infantry fight in a closely packed mass, the Macedonian phalanx, and he

trained his mounted gentlemen, the knights or companions, to fight in

formation and so invented cavalry. The master move in most of his

battles and in the battles of his son Alexander was a cavalry charge.

The phalanx _held_ the enemy infantry in front while the cavalry swept

away the enemy horse on his wings and poured in on the flank and rear

of his infantry. Chariots were disabled by bowmen, who shot the horses.

With this new army Philip extended his frontiers through Thessaly to

Greece; and the battle of Chæronia (338 B.C.), fought against Athens

and her allies, put all Greece at his feet. At last the dream of

Herodotus was bearing fruit. A congress of all the Greek states

appointed Philip captain-general of the Græco- Macedonian confederacy

against Persia, and in 336 B.C. his advanced guard crossed into Asia

upon this long premeditated adventure. But he never followed it. He

was assassinated; it is believed at the instigation of his queen

Olympias, Alexander’s mother. She was jealous because Philip had

married a second wife.



_(As in the British Museum)_

But Philip had taken unusual pains with his son’s education. He had

not only secured Aristotle, the greatest philosopher in the world, as

this boy’s tutor, but he had shared his ideas with him and thrust

military experience upon him. At Chæronia Alexander, who was then only

eighteen years old, had been in command of the cavalry. And so it was

possible for this young man, who was still only twenty years old at the

time of his accession, to take up his father’s task at once and to

proceed successfully with the Persian adventure.

In 334 B.C.—for two years were needed to establish and confirm his

position in Macedonia and Greece—he crossed into Asia, defeated a not

very much bigger Persian army at the battle of the Granicus and

captured a number of cities in Asia Minor. He kept along the

sea-coast. It was necessary for him to reduce and garrison all the

coast towns as he advanced because the Persians had control of the

fleets of Tyre and Sidon and so had command of the sea. Had he left a

hostile port in his rear the Persians might have landed forces to raid

his communications and cut him off. At Issus (333 B.C.) he met and

smashed a vast conglomerate host under Darius III. Like the host of

Xerxes that had crossed the Dardanelles a century and a half before, it

was an incoherent accumulation of contingents and it was encumbered

with a multitude of court officials, the harem of Darius and many camp

followers. Sidon surrendered to Alexander but Tyre resisted

obstinately. Finally that great city was stormed and plundered and

destroyed. Gaza also was stormed, and towards the end of 332 B.C. the

conqueror entered Egypt and took over its rule from the Persians.



_(From the Pompeian Mosaic)_

Alexander charges in on the left, Darius is in the chariot to the right

At Alexandretta and at Alexandria in Egypt he built great cities,

accessible from the land and so incapable of revolt. To these the trade

of the Phœnician cities was diverted. The Phœnicians of the western

Mediterranean suddenly disappear from history—and as immediately the

Jews of Alexandria and the other new trading cities created by

Alexander appear.

In 331 B.C. Alexander marched out of Egypt upon Babylon as Thothmes and

Rameses and Necho had done before him. But he marched by way of Tyre.

At Arbela near the ruins of Nineveh, which was already a forgotten

city, he met Darius and fought the decisive battle of the war. The

Persian chariot charge failed, a Macedonian cavalry charge broke up the

great composite host and the phalanx completed the victory. Darius led

the retreat. He made no further attempt to resist the invader but fled

northward into the country of the Medes. Alexander marched on to

Babylon, still prosperous and important, and then to Susa and

Persepolis. There after a drunken festival he burnt down the palace of

Darius, the king of kings.


Thence Alexander presently made a military parade of central Asia,

going to the utmost bounds of the Persian empire. At first he turned

northward. Darius was pursued; and he was overtaken at dawn dying in

his chariot, having been murdered by his own people. He was still

living when the foremost Greeks reached him. Alexander came up to find

him dead. Alexander skirted the Caspian Sea, he went up into the

mountains of western Turkestan, he came down by Herat (which he

founded) and Cabul and the Khyber Pass into India. He fought a great

battle on the Indus with an Indian king, Porus, and here the Macedonian

troops met elephants for the first time and defeated them. Finally he

built himself ships, sailed down to the mouth of the Indus, and marched

back by the coast of Beluchistan, reaching Susa again in 324 B.C. after

an absence of six years. He then prepared to consolidate and organize

this vast empire he had won. He sought to win over his new subjects.

He assumed the robes and tiara of a Persian monarch, and this roused

the jealousy of his Macedonian commanders. He had much trouble with

them. He arranged a number of marriages between these Macedonian

officers and Persian and Babylonian women: the “Marriage of the East

and West.” He never lived to effect the consolidation he had planned.

A fever seized him after a drinking bout in Babylon and he died in 323


Immediately this vast dominion fell to pieces. One of his generals,

Seleucus, retained most of the old Persian empire from the Indus to

Ephesus; another, Ptolemy, seized Egypt, and Antigonus secured

Macedonia. The rest of the empire remained unstable, passing under the

control of a succession of local adventurers. Barbarian raids began

from the north and grew in scope and intensity. Until at last, as we

shall tell, a new power, the power of the Roman republic, came out of

the west to subjugate one fragment after another and weld them together

into a new and more enduring empire.