August 22, 2022



Now this new Roman power which arose to dominate the western world in the second and first centuries B.C. was in several respects a different thing from any of the great empires that had hitherto prevailed in the civilized world. It was not at first a monarchy, and it was not the creation of any one great conqueror. It was not indeed the first of republican empires; Athens had dominated a group of Allies and dependents in the time of Pericles, and Carthage when she entered upon her fatal struggle with Rome was mistress of Sardinia and Corsica, Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and most of Spain and Sicily. But it was the first republican empire that escaped extinction and went on to fresh developments.

The centre of this new system lay far to the west of the more ancient

centres of empire, which had hitherto been the river valleys of

Mesopotamia and Egypt. This westward position enabled Rome to bring in

to civilization quite fresh regions and peoples. The Roman power

extended to Morocco and Spain, and was presently able to thrust

north-westward over what is now France and Belgium to Britain and

north-eastward into Hungary and South Russia. But on the other hand it

was never able to maintain itself in Central Asia or Persia because

they were too far from its administrative centres. It included

therefore great masses of fresh Nordic Aryan- speaking peoples, it

presently incorporated nearly all the Greek people in the world, and

its population was less strongly Hamitic and Semitic than that of any

preceding empire.

For some centuries this Roman Empire did not fall into the grooves of

precedent that had so speedily swallowed up Persian and Greek, and all

that time it developed. The rulers of the Medes and Persians became

entirely Babylonized in a generation or so; they took over the tiara of

the king of kings and the temples and priesthoods of his gods;

Alexander and his successors followed in the same easy path of

assimilation; the Seleucid monarchs had much the same court and

administrative methods as Nebuchadnezzar; the Ptolemies became Pharaohs

and altogether Egyptian. They were assimilated just as before them the

Semitic conquerors of the Sumerians had been assimilated. But the

Romans ruled in their own city, and for some centuries kept to the laws

of their own nature. The only people who exercised any great mental

influence upon them before the second or third century A.D. were the

kindred and similar Greeks. So that the Roman Empire was essentially a

first attempt to rule a great dominion upon mainly Aryan lines. It was

so far a new pattern in history, it was an expanded Aryan republic.

The old pattern of a personal conqueror ruling over a capital city that

had grown up round the temple of a harvest god did not apply to it.

The Romans had gods and temples, but like the gods of the Greeks their

gods were quasi-human immortals, divine patricians. The Romans also

had blood sacrifices and even made human ones in times of stress,

things they may have learnt to do from their dusky Etruscan teachers;

but until Rome was long past its zenith neither priest nor temple

played a large part in Roman history.

The Roman Empire was a growth, an unplanned novel growth; the Roman

people found themselves engaged almost unawares in a vast

administrative experiment. It cannot be called a successful

experiment. In the end their empire collapsed altogether. And it

changed enormously in form and method from century to century. It

changed more in a hundred years than Bengal or Mesopotamia or Egypt

changed in a thousand. It was always changing. It never attained to

any fixity.

In a sense the experiment failed. In a sense the experiment remains

unfinished, and Europe and America to-day are still working out the

riddles of world-wide statescraft first confronted by the Roman people.

It is well for the student of history to bear in mind the very great

changes not only in political but in social and moral matters that went

on throughout the period of Roman dominion. There is much too strong a

tendency in people’s minds to think of the Roman rule as something

finished and stable, firm, rounded, noble and decisive. Macaulay’s

_Lays of Ancient Rome_, S.P.Q.R. the elder Cato, the Scipios, Julius

Cæsar, Diocletian, Constantine the Great, triumphs, orations,

gladiatorial combats and Christian martyrs are all mixed up together in

a picture of something high and cruel and dignified. The items of that

picture have to be disentangled. They are collected at different

points from a process of change profounder than that which separates

the London of William the Conqueror from the London of to-day.

We may very conveniently divide the expansion of Rome into four stages.

The first stage began after the sack of Rome by the Goths in 390 B.C.

and went on until the end of the First Punic War (240 B.C,). We may

call this stage the stage of the Assimilative Republic. It was perhaps

the finest, most characteristic stage in Roman history. The age-long

dissensions of patrician and plebeian were drawing to it close, the

Etruscan threat had come to an end, no one was very rich yet nor very

poor, and most men were public-spirited. It was a republic like the

republic of the South African Boers before 1900 or like the northern

states of the American union between 1800 and 1850; a free- farmers

republic. At the outset of this stage Rome was a little state scarcely

twenty miles square. She fought the sturdy but kindred states about

her, and sought not their destruction but coalescence. Her centuries

of civil dissension had trained her people in compromise and

concessions. Some of the defeated cities became altogether Roman with

a voting share in the government, some became self-governing with the

right to trade and marry in Rome; garrisons full of citizens were set

up at strategic points and colonies of varied privileges founded among

the freshly conquered people. Great roads were made. The rapid

Latinization of all Italy was the inevitable consequence of such a

policy. In 89 B.C. all the free inhabitants of Italy became citizens

of the city of Rome. Formally the whole Roman Empire became at last an

extended city. In 212 A.D. every free man in the entire extent of the

empire was given citizenship; the right, if he could get there, to vote

in the town meeting in Rome.

This extension of citizenship to tractable cities and to whole

countries was the distinctive device of Roman expansion. It reversed

the old process of conquest and assimilation altogether. By the Roman

method the conquerors assimilated the conquered.



But after the First Punic War and the annexation of Sicily, though the

old process of assimilation still went on, another process arose by its

side. Sicily for instance was treated as a conquered prey. It was

declared an “estate” of the Roman people. Its rich soil and

industrious population was exploited to make Rome rich. The patricians

and the more influential among the plebeians secured the major share of

that wealth. And the war also brought in a large supply of slaves.

Before the First Punic War the population of the republic had been

largely a population of citizen farmers. Military service was their

privilege and liability. While they were on active service their farms

fell into debt and a new large-scale slave agriculture grew up; when

they returned they found their produce in competition with slave-grown

produce from Sicily and from the new estates at home. Times had

changed. The republic had altered its character. Not only was Sicily

in the hands of Rome, the common man was in the hands of the rich

creditor and the rich competitor. Rome had entered upon its second

stage, the Republic of Adventurous Rich Men.

For two hundred years the Roman soldier farmers had struggled for

freedom and a share in the government of their state; for a hundred

years they had enjoyed their privileges. The First Punic War wasted

them and robbed them of all they had won.



Ruins of Coliseum in Tunis

_Photo: Jacques Boyer_

The value of their electoral privileges had also evaporated. The

governing bodies of the Roman republic were two in number. The first

and more important was the Senate. This was a body originally of

patricians and then of prominent men of all sorts, who were summoned to

it first by certain powerful officials, the consuls and censors. Like

the British House of Lords it became a gathering of great landowners,

prominent politicians, big business men and the like. It was much more

like the British House of Lords than it was like the American Senate.

For three centuries, from the Punic Wars onward, it was the centre of

Roman political thought and purpose. The second body was the Popular

Assembly. This was supposed to be an assembly of _all_ the citizens of

Rome. When Rome was a little state twenty miles square this was a

possible gathering. When the citizenship of Rome had spread beyond the

confines in Italy, it was an altogether impossible one. Its meetings,

proclaimed by horn-blowing from the Capitol and the city walls, became

more and more a gathering of political hacks and city riff-raff. In

the fourth century B.C. the Popular Assembly was a considerable check

upon the Senate, a competent representation of the claims and rights of

the common man. By the end of the Punic Wars it was an impotent relic

of a vanquished popular control. No effectual legal check remained

upon the big men.



Nothing of the nature of representative government was ever introduced

into the Roman republic. No one thought of electing delegates to

represent the will of the citizens. This is a very important point for

the student to grasp. The Popular Assembly never became the equivalent

of the American House of Representatives or the British House of

Commons. In theory it was all the citizens; in practice it ceased to

be anything at all worth consideration.

The common citizen of the Roman Empire was therefore in a very poor

case after the Second Punic War; he was impoverished, he had often lost

his farm, he was ousted from profitable production by slaves, and he

had no political power left to him to remedy these things. The only

methods of popular expression left to a people without any form of

political expression are the strike and the revolt. The story of the

second and first centuries B.C., so far as internal politics go, is a

story of futile revolutionary upheaval. The scale of this history will

not permit us to tell of the intricate struggles of that time, of the

attempts to break up estates and restore the land to the free farmer,

of proposals to abolish debts in whole or in part. There was revolt

and civil war. In 73 B.C., the distresses of Italy were enhanced by a

great insurrection, of the slaves under Spartacus. The slaves of Italy

revolted with some effect, for among them were the trained fighters of

the gladiatorial shows. For two years Spartacus held out in the crater

of Vesuvius, which seemed at that time to be an extinct volcano. This

insurrection was defeated at last and suppressed with frantic cruelty.

Six thousand captured Spartacists were crucified along the Appian Way,

the great highway that runs southward out of Rome (71 B.C.).

The common man never made head against the forces that were subjugating

and degrading him. But the big rich men who were overcoming him were

even in his defeat preparing a new power in the Roman world over

themselves and him, the power of the army.

Before the Second Punic War the army of Rome was a levy of free

farmers, who, according to their quality, rode or marched afoot to

battle. This was a very good force for wars close at hand, but not the

sort of army that will go abroad and bear long campaigns with patience.

And moreover as the slaves multiplied and the estates grew, the supply

of free- spirited fighting farmers declined. It was a popular leader

named Marius who introduced a new factor. North Africa after the

overthrow of the Carthaginian civilization had become a semi-barbaric

kingdom, the kingdom of Numidia. The Roman power fell into conflict

with Jugurtha, king of this state, and experienced enormous

difficulties in subduing him. Marius was made consul, in a phase of

public indignation, to end this discreditable war. This he did by

raising _paid troops_ and drilling them hard. Jugurtha was brought in

chains to Rome (106 B.C.) and Marius, when his time of office had

expired, held on to his consulship illegally with his newly created

legions. There was no power in Rome to restrain him.

With Marius began the third phase in the development of the Roman

power, the Republic of the Military Commanders. For now began a period

in which the leaders of the paid legions fought for the mastery of the

Roman world. Against Marius was pitted the aristocratic Sulla who had

served under him in Africa. Each in turn made a great massacre of his

political opponents. Men were proscribed and executed by the thousand,

and their estates were sold. After the bloody rivalry of these two and

the horror of the revolt of Spartacus, came a phase in which Lucullus

and Pompey the Great and Crassus and Julius Cæsar were the masters of

armies and dominated affairs. It was Crassus who defeated Spartacus.

Lucullus conquered Asia Minor and penetrated to Armenia, and retired

with great wealth into private life. Crassus thrusting further invaded

Persia and was defeated and slain by the Parthians. After a long

rivalry Pompey was defeated by Julius Cæsar (48 B.C.) and murdered in

Egypt, leaving Julius Cæsar sole master of the Roman world.

The figure of Julius Cæsar is one that has stirred the human

imagination out of all proportion to its merit or true importance. He

has become a legend and a symbol. For us he is chiefly important as

marking the transition from the phase of military adventurers to the

beginning of the fourth stage in Roman expansion, the Early Empire.

For in spite of the profoundest economic and political convulsions, in

spite of civil war and social degeneration, throughout all this time

the boundaries of the Roman state crept outward and continued to creep

outward to their maximum about 100 A.D. There had been something like

an ebb during the doubtful phases of the Second Punic War, and again a

manifest loss of vigour before the reconstruction of the army by

Marius. The revolt of Spartacus marked a third phase. Julius Cæsar

made his reputation as a military leader in Gaul, which is now France

and Belgium. (The chief tribes inhabiting this country belonged to the

same Celtic people as the Gauls who had occupied north Italy for a

time, and who had afterwards raided into Asia Minor and settled down as

the Galatians.) Cæsar drove back a German invasion of Gaul and added

all that country to the empire, and he twice crossed the Straits of

Dover into Britain (55 and 54 B.C.), where however he made no permanent

conquest. Meanwhile Pompey the Great was consolidating Roman conquests

that reached in the east to the Caspian Sea.



Representing his conquests at Dacia and elsewhere

At this time, the middle of the first century B.C., the Roman Senate

was still the nominal centre of the Roman government, appointing

consuls and other officials, granting powers and the like; and a number

of politicians, among whom Cicero was an outstanding figure, were

struggling to preserve the great traditions of republican Rome and to

maintain respect for its laws. But the spirit of citizenship had gone

from Italy with the wasting away of the free farmers; it was a land now

of slaves and impoverished men with neither the understanding nor the

desire for freedom. There was nothing whatever behind these republican

leaders in the Senate, while behind the great adventurers they feared

and desired to control were the legions. Over the heads of the Senate

Crassus and Pompey and Cæsar divided the rule of the Empire between

them (The First Triumvirate). When presently Crassus was killed at

distant Carrhæ by the Parthians, Pompey and Cæsar fell out. Pompey took

up the republican side, and laws were passed to bring Cæsar to trial

for his breaches of law and his disobedience to the decrees of the


It was illegal for a general to bring his troops out of the boundary of

his command, and the boundary between Cæsar’s command and Italy was the

Rubicon. In 49 B.C. he crossed the Rubicon, saying “The die is cast”

and marched upon Pompey and Rome.

It had been the custom in Rome in the past, in periods of military

extremity, to elect a “dictator” with practically unlimited powers to

rule through the crisis. After his overthrow of Pompey, Cæsar was made

dictator first for ten years and then (in 45 B.C.) for life. In effect

he was made monarch of the empire for life. There was talk of a king,

a word abhorrent to Rome since the expulsion of the Etruscans five

centuries before. Cæsar refused to be king, but adopted throne and

sceptre. After his defeat of Pompey, Cæsar had gone on into Egypt and

had made love to Cleopatra, the last of the Ptolemies, the goddess

queen of Egypt. She seems to have turned his head very completely. He

had brought back to Rome the Egyptian idea of a god-king. His statue

was set up in a temple with an inscription “To the Unconquerable God.”

The expiring republicanism of Rome flared up in a last protest, and

Cæsar was stabbed to death in the Senate at the foot of the statue of

his murdered rival, Pompey the Great.

Thirteen years more of this conflict of ambitious personalities

followed. There was a second Triumvirate of Lepidus, Mark Antony and

Octavian Cæsar, the latter the nephew of Julius Cæsar. Octavian like

his uncle took the poorer, hardier western provinces where the best

legions were recruited. In 31 B.C., he defeated Mark Antony, his only

serious rival, at the naval battle of Actium, and made himself sole

master of the Roman world. But Octavian was a man of different quality

altogether from Julius Cæsar. He had no foolish craving to be God or

King. He had no queen-lover that he wished to dazzle. He restored

freedom to the Senate and people of Rome. He declined to be dictator.

The grateful Senate in return gave him the reality instead of the forms

of power. He was to be called not King indeed, but “Princeps” and

“Augustus.” He became Augustus Cæsar, the first of the Roman emperors

(27 B.C. to 14 A.D.).

He was followed by Tiberius Cæsar (14 to 37 A.D.) and he by others,

Caligula, Claudius, Nero and so on up to Trajan (98 A.D.), Hadrian (117

A.D.), Antonius Pius (138 A.D.) and Marcus Aurelius (161- 180 A.D.).

All these emperors were emperors of the legions. The soldiers made

them, and some the soldiers destroyed. Gradually the Senate fades out

of Roman-history, and the emperor and his administrative officials

replace it. The boundaries of the empire crept forward now to their

utmost limits. Most of Britain was added to the empire, Transylvania

was brought in as a new province, Dacia; Trajan crossed the Euphrates.

Hadrian had an idea that reminds us at once of what had happened at the

other end of the old world. Like Shi-Hwang-ti he built walls against

the northern barbarians; one across Britain and a palisade between the

Rhine and the Danube. He abandoned some of the acquisitions of Trajan.

The expansion of the Roman Empire was at an end.