August 26, 2022




Two main causes prevented that period from being a complete social and international peace, and prepared the way for the cycle of wars between 1854 and 1871. The first of these was the tendency of the royal courts concerned, towards the restoration of unfair privilege and interference with freedom of thought and writing and teaching. The second was the impossible system of boundaries drawn by the diplomatists of Vienna.

The inherent disposition of monarchy to march back towards past

conditions was first and most particularly manifest in Spain. Here

even the Inquisition was restored. Across the Atlantic the Spanish

colonies had followed the example of the United States and revolted

against the European Great Power System, when Napoleon set his brother

Joseph on the Spanish throne in 1810. The George Washington of South

America was General Bolivar. Spain was unable to suppress this revolt,

it dragged on much as the United States War of Independence had dragged

on, and at last the suggestion was made by Austria, in accordance with

the spirit of the Holy Alliance, that the European monarch should

assist Spain in this struggle. This was opposed by Britain in Europe,

but it was the prompt action of President Monroe of the United States

in 1823 which conclusively warned off this projected monarchist

restoration. He announced that the United States would regard any

extension of the European system in the Western Hemisphere as a hostile

act. Thus arose the Monroe Doctrine, the doctrine that there must be

no extension of extra- American government in America, which has kept

the Great Power system out of America for nearly a hundred years and

permitted the new states of Spanish America to work out their destinies

along their own lines.

But if Spanish monarchism lost its colonies, it could at least, under

the protection of the Concert of Europe, do what it chose in Europe. A

popular insurrection in Spain was crushed by a French army in 1823,

with a mandate from a European congress, and simultaneously Austria

suppressed a revolution in Naples.

In 1824 Louis XVIII died, and was succeeded by Charles X. Charles set

himself to destroy the liberty of the press and universities, and to

restore absolute government; the sum of a billion francs was voted to

compensate the nobles for the chateau burnings and sequestrations of

1789. In 1830 Paris rose against this embodiment of the ancient

regime, and replaced him by Louis Philippe, the son of that Philip,

Duke of Orleans, who was executed during the Terror. The other

continental monarchies, in face of the open approval of the revolution

by Great Britain and a strong liberal ferment in Germany and Austria,

did not interfere in this affair. After all, France was still a

monarchy. This man Louis Philippe (1830-48) remained the

constitutional King of France for eighteen years.

Such were the uneasy swayings of the peace of the Congress of Vienna,

which were provoked by the reactionary proceedings of the monarchists.

The stresses that arose from the unscientific boundaries planned by the

diplomatists at Vienna gathered force more deliberately, but they were

even more dangerous to the peace of mankind. It is extraordinarily

inconvenient to administer together the affairs of peoples speaking

different languages and so reading different literatures and having

different general ideas, especially if those differences are

exacerbated by religious disputes. Only some strong mutual interest,

such as the common defensive needs of the Swiss mountaineers, can

justify a close linking of peoples of dissimilar languages and faiths;

and even in Switzerland there is the utmost local autonomy. When, as in

Macedonia, populations are mixed in a patchwork of villages and

districts, the cantonal system is imperatively needed. But if the

reader will look at the map of Europe as the Congress of Vienna drew

it, he will see that this gathering seems almost as if it had planned

the maximum of local exasperation.

It destroyed the Dutch Republic, quite needlessly, it lumped together

the Protestant Dutch with the French-speaking Catholics of the old

Spanish (Austrian) Netherlands, and set up a kingdom of the

Netherlands. It handed over not merely the old republic of Venice, but

all of North Italy as far as Milan to the German-speaking Austrians.

French-speaking Savoy it combined with pieces of Italy to restore the

kingdom of Sardinia. Austria and Hungary, already a sufficiently

explosive mixture of discordant nationalities, Germans, Hungarians,

Czecho-Slovaks, Jugo-Slavs, Roumanians, and now Italians, was made

still more impossible by confirming Austria’s Polish acquisitions of

1772 and 1795. The Catholic and republican-spirited Polish people were

chiefly given over to the less civilized rule of the Greek-orthodox

Tsar, but important districts went to Protestant Prussia. The Tsar was

also confirmed in his acquisition of the entirely alien Finns. The

very dissimilar Norwegian and Swedish peoples were bound together under

one king. Germany, the reader will see, was left in a particularly

dangerous state of muddle. Prussia and Austria were both partly in and

partly out of a German confederation, which included a multitude of

minor states. The King of Denmark came into the German confederation

by virtue of certain German-speaking possessions in Holstein.

Luxembourg was included in the German confederation, though its ruler

was also King of the Netherlands, and though many of its peoples talked


Here was a complete disregard of the fact that the people who talk

German and base their ideas on German literature, the people who talk

Italian and base their ideas on Italian literature, and the people who

talk Polish and base their ideas on Polish literature, will all be far

better off and most helpful and least obnoxious to the rest of mankind

if they conduct their own affairs in their own idiom within the

ring-fence of their own speech. Is it any wonder that one of the most

popular songs in Germany during this period declared that wherever the

German tongue was spoken, there was the German Fatherland!
In 1830 French-speaking Belgium, stirred up by the current revolution

in France, revolted against its Dutch association in the kingdom of the

Netherlands. The powers, terrified at the possibilities of a republic

or of annexation to France, hurried in to pacify this situation, and

gave the Belgians a monarch, Leopold I of Saxe-Coburg Gotha. There

were also ineffectual revolts in Italy and Germany in 1830, and a much

more serious one in Russian Poland. A republican government held out

in Warsaw for a year against Nicholas I (who succeeded Alexander in

1825), and was then stamped out of existence with great violence and

cruelty. The Polish language was banned, and the Greek Orthodox church

was substituted for the Roman Catholic as the state religion ....

In 1821 there was an insurrection of the Greeks against the Turks. For

six years they fought a desperate war, while the governments of Europe

looked on. Liberal opinion protested against this inactivity;

volunteers from every European country joined the insurgents, and at

last Britain, France and Russia took joint action. The Turkish fleet

was destroyed by the French and English at the battle of Navarino

(1827), and the Tsar invaded Turkey. By the treaty of Adrianople

(1829) Greece was declared free, but she was not permitted to resume

her ancient republican traditions. A German king was found for Greece,

one Prince Otto of Bavaria, and Christian governors were set up in the

Danubian provinces (which are now Roumania) and Serbia (a part of the

Jugo-Slav region). Much blood had still to run however before the Turk

was altogether expelled from these lands.