December 18, 2022

INTRODUCTION WHAT FOR? | HOLISTIC EDUCATION FOR A PASSIONATE LIFE!! | A Manual for Teachers, Parents, Educators and Self-Educators


A Manual for Teachers, Parents, Educators &Self-Educators

UNIT - 1


For an education that is totally dedicated

To bring out the hidden and

The deep talents within each child

With a respect for his independent mind,

And his ability to bloom,

To help him discover the power of knowledge,

Fall in love with the freedom of expression,

And above all, be a human being

Who is fearless, intelligent, active and joyous!!

You have become a teacher OR in a role as a teacher. It is always good to make the most of what we have. It is a very wise thing to do. In any case, we have become teachers. Why not make the most of it?

In the following, we will like to make clear, how anybody and everybody can be happy and passionate teachers.

First and foremost, let us talk a bit about motivation. Before we become clear about how to fully enjoy teaching, let us be clear about - what for?

We must strive to be far greater teachers simply because, inside you, inside anyone is a being who wants to be the best.

Each and every human being is born with a desire to achieve, to be powerful and to make his life meaningful.

Each person has that desire and deep discontent. It is simply your nature. That person inside, that real giant, if released, would give you the way of living. So try to better yourself, because it will give you real happiness and great self confidence.

Now, let us specifically come to subjects and why you need to be a master in your subject and how to be a master.

The greatest pride and security for any teacher is mastery of his subject. But what is mastery of a subject?

Normally, there is no teacher, who is not a master. Every teacher knows his subjects. Yet, there is a difference between ‘knowing a subject‘and ‘grasping a subject’.

That is the difference between an engineer and an inventor, a person who has merely completed his PG/PhD in science and a true scientist. It is the difference between a lawyer who is merely a practitioner and a top lawyer who can argue in the most difficult cases. It is the difference between a mother who loves and brings up her child and a mother who turns out a child who is highly mature, prodigious and driven from an early age.

We have all some acquaintance with great leaders in any field. They all have something driving them from within! What is it?

It is nothing more or less than actual real grasp of their subject/ field.

They have true and real knowledge.

So, what is this ‘real knowledge’? Let us now open our minds to this kind of in-depth knowledge which alone is real power.

Let us go to the source in each subject, English, physical sciences, natural sciences and social sciences (especially history). Let us try to find out what it means truly to understand each of the subjects above.