August 23, 2022




Throughout the third century the Roman Empire, decaying socially and disintegrating morally, faced the barbarians. The emperors of this period were fighting military autocrats, and the capital of the empire shifted with the necessities of their military policy. Now the imperial headquarters would be at Milan in north Italy, now in what is now Serbia at Sirmium or Nish, now in Nicomedia in Asia Minor. Rome halfway down Italy was too far from the centre of interest to be a convenient imperial seat. It was a declining city. Over most of the empire peace still prevailed and men went about without arms. The armies continued to be the sole repositories of power; the emperors, dependent on their legions, became more and more autocratic to the rest of the empire and their state more and more like that of the Persian and other oriental monarchs. Diocletian assumed a royal diadem and oriental robes. 

All along the imperial frontier, which ran roughly along the Rhine and

Danube, enemies were now pressing. The Franks and other German tribes

had come up to the Rhine. In north Hungary were the Vandals; in what

was once Dacia and is now Roumania, the Visigoths or West Goths.

Behind these in south Russia were the East Goths or Ostrogoths, and

beyond these again in the Volga region the Alans. But now Mongolian

peoples were forcing their way towards Europe. The Huns were already

exacting tribute from the Alans and Ostrogoths and pushing them to the


In Asia the Roman frontiers were crumpling back under the push of a

renascent Persia. This new Persia, the Persia of the Sassenid kings,

was to be a vigorous and on the whole a successful rival of the Roman

Empire in Asia for the next three centuries.

A glance at the map of Europe will show the reader the peculiar

weakness of the empire. The river Danube comes down to within a couple

of hundred miles of the Adriatic Sea in the region of what is now

Bosnia and Serbia. It makes a square re-entrant angle there. The

Romans never kept their sea communications in good order, and this two

hundred mile strip of land was their line of communication between the

western Latin-speaking part of the empire and the eastern

Greek-speaking portion. Against this square angle of the Danube the

barbarian pressure was greatest. When they broke through there it was

inevitable that the empire should fall into two parts.

Map: The Empire and the Barbarians

A more vigorous empire might have thrust forward and reconquered Dacia,

but the Roman Empire lacked any such vigour. Constantine the Great was

certainly a monarch of great devotion and intelligence. He beat back a

raid of the Goths from just these vital Balkan regions, but he had no

force to carry the frontier across the Danube. He was too pre-occupied

with the internal weaknesses of the empire. He brought the solidarity

and moral force of Christianity to revive the spirit of the declining

empire, and he decided to create a new permanent capital at Byzantium

upon the Hellespont. This new-made Byzantium, which was re-christened

Constantinople in his honour, was still building when he died. Towards

the end of his reign occurred a remarkable transaction. The Vandals,

being pressed by the Goths, asked to be received into the Roman Empire.

They were assigned lands in Pannonia, which is now that part of

Hungary west of the Danube, and their fighting men became nominally

legionaries. But these new legionaries remained under their own

chiefs. Rome failed to digest them.

Constantine died working to reorganize his great realm, and soon the

frontiers were ruptured again and the Visigoths came almost to

Constantinople. They defeated the Emperor Valens at Adrianople and made

a settlement in what is now Bulgaria, similar to the settlement of the

Vandals in Pannonia. Nominally they were subjects of the emperor,

practically they were conquerors.



_Photo: Sebah & Foaillier_

From 379 to 395 A.D. reigned the Emperor Theodosius the Great, and

while he reigned the empire was still formally intact. Over the armies

of Italy and Pannonia presided Stilicho, a Vandal, over the armies in

the Balkan peninsula, Alaric, a Goth. When Theodosius died at the

close of the fourth century he left two sons. Alaric supported one of

these, Arcadius, in Constantinople, and Stilicho the other, Honorius,

in Italy. In other words Alaric and Stilicho fought for the empire

with the princes as puppets. In the course of their struggle Alaric

marched into Italy and after a short siege took Rome (410 A.D.).

The opening half of the fifth century saw the whole of the Roman Empire

in Europe the prey of robber armies of barbarians. It is difficult to

visualize the state of affairs in the world at that time. Over France,

Spain, Italy and the Balkan peninsula, the great cities that had

flourished under the early empire still stood, impoverished, partly

depopulated and falling into decay. Life in them must have been

shallow, mean and full of uncertainty. Local officials asserted their

authority and went on with their work with such conscience as they had,

no doubt in the name of a now remote and inaccessible emperor. The

churches went on, but usually with illiterate priests. There was

little reading and much superstition and fear. But everywhere except

where looters had destroyed them, books and pictures and statuary and

such-like works of art were still to be found.

The life of the countryside had also degenerated. Everywhere this

Roman world was much more weedy and untidy than it had been. In some

regions war and pestilence had brought the land down to the level of a

waste. Roads and forests were infested with robbers. Into such

regions the barbarians marched, with little or no opposition, and set

up their chiefs as rulers, often with Roman official titles. If they

were half civilized barbarians they would give the conquered districts

tolerable terms, they would take possession of the towns, associate and

intermarry, and acquire (with an accent) the Latin speech; but the

Jutes, the Angles and Saxons who submerged the Roman province of

Britain were agriculturalists and had no use for towns, they seem to

have swept south Britain clear of the Romanized population and they

replaced the language by their own Teutonic dialects, which became at

last English.


The obelisk of Thothmes, taken from Egypt to Constantinople by

Theodosius and placed upon the pedestal her shown; an interesting

example of early Byzantine art. The complete obelisk is seen on page


_Photo: Sebah & Foaillier_

It is impossible in the space at our disposal to trace the movements of

all the various German and Slavonic tribes as they went to and fro in

the disorganized empire in search of plunder and a pleasant home. But

let the Vandals serve as an example. They came into history in east

Germany. They settled as we have told in Pannonia. Thence they moved

somewhen about 425 A.D. through the intervening provinces to Spain.

There they found Visigoths from South Russia and other German tribes

setting up dukes and kings. From Spain the Vandals under Genseric

sailed for North Africa (429), captured Carthage (439), and built a

fleet. They secured the mastery of the sea and captured and pillaged

Rome (455), which had recovered very imperfectly from her capture and

looting by Alaric half a century earlier. Then the Vandals made

themselves masters of Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and most of the other

islands of the western Mediterranean. They made, in fact, a sea empire

very similar in its extent to the sea empire of Carthage seven hundred

odd years before. They were at the climax of their power about 477.

They were a mere handful of conquerors holding all this country. In

the next century almost all their territory had been reconquered for

the empire of Constantinople during a transitory blaze of energy under

Justinian I.

The story of the Vandals is but one sample of a host of similar

adventures. But now there was coming into the European world the least

kindred and most redoubtable of all these devastators, the Mongolian

Huns or Tartars, a yellow people active and able, such as the western

world had never before encountered.