December 18, 2022

THE MONITORING PROCESS AND CCE | HOLISTIC EDUCATION FOR A PASSIONATE LIFE!! | A Manual for Teachers, Parents, Educators and Self-Educators

UNIT - 5


Monitoring is very important. It is the process by which we know whether we are really carrying out what we decided to do.

The following excel sheets could be filled under each heading with students’ names on the left and appropriate filling in,


Text book comprehension (TBC) monitoring sheet

Vocabulary worksheets 1 & 2 monitoring sheet

General Book reading monitoring sheet

Revision Tests


Creative writing monitoring sheet


Text Book Comprehension (TBC) monitoring sheet.

Activities monitoring sheet ( 1, 2, 3, …)

Revision Test

Worksheets in Math and Monitoring sheet.

Other Activities

Term wise participation monitoring sheet


Song / Dance

Public Speaking

Field Trips

Art / Craft


The sum of all these activities would be presented in report card along with the routine evaluation.

About CCE

Continuous and comprehensive evaluation has to be both formally carried out and also informally and intensely. Education is exactly CCE, each moment, and we need to ask all the time – Am I getting the learning outcomes? Are all the activities carried out? Are the activities making sense to students? Is the child growing in knowledge and power by the illumination of real understanding?

All of the above has to be flexible to suit the particular school’s culture, aims and also the local conditions.